Ethically Sourced, Quality Sri Lankan Hand Crafted Homewares & Original Canvas Artwork Shop Now

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Brisbane Based Business Owner Championing Ethical and Sustainable Business Practices.

By :Samantha Rosewarne 0 comments
Brisbane Based Business Owner Championing Ethical and Sustainable Business Practices.
Owner of Authentic Homewares Samantha Rosewarne, wanted to start a business that showcased the hand-crafted homewares and ceramics of her native Sri Lanka.
Samantha’s simple but perhaps naïve goal was to start a business that was built on ethical business practices. One that results were the consequence of a steadfast moral policy and social conscience.
Yes, I know it’s mainly a tactic for large corporations that need to virtue signal because they’re doing the exact opposite. But Samantha believes her decision to move in this direction is a part of a larger movement and a demand, driven by consumers that want to know the products they’re buying are not being manufactured in the sweatshops of South East Asia.
“I wanted to provide my customers with products for their homes, that were not the result of misery and disappear, as many industry leaders in this space utilise child slave labour or harsh working conditions,” she says.
Blue Giraffe Homewares partners with rural artisans and manufacturers in Sri Lanka to produce high quality, hand-crafted homewares and furniture.
“My business has a purpose that goes way beyond profit," Samantha says. 

She believes business is about having a positive impact on the community, considering the environmental risks, social impact and governance of what we invest in and who we work with.
“Blue Giraffe Homewares is largely a result of how I’d like to see our world… Quality homewares, ceramics and furniture, that are ethically sourced, and manufactured using sustainable production methods and eco-friendly," she says.

Samantha's core belief is to act in the best interest of her customers, suppliers and stakeholders and conduct her business with integrity, ethics and sustainability... surely a business model like this will not succeed?

“My main focus was to realise a business that’s core purpose was to enrich the lives of the families and communities that design, create and manufacture our products,” she says.

The Blue Giraffe Homewares collection are made from eco-friendly Sri Lankan materials including cane, wood, hand-woven palm, hand-woven hemp, hand-thrown ceramics, metal and terracotta.

"My heritage is Sri Lankan, and although I've lived here since I was in my early 20's, and now consider myself a dinky-di Aussie, I also can’t deny the love I have for Sri Lanka, a country that is rich in culture and beauty," she says.
"If my upbringing taught me anything, it's that helping others is as much a part of our culture as it is our purpose. You help those in need, you help those less fortunate and you help your community," she continued.

Above all Samantha believes it’s important to carry traditional family values into her business and find like-minded people and institutions that share her vision.
Samantha spruiks that the Blue Giraffe shopping experience gives buyers a back story and allows them to support an industry of skilled artisans; promoting design excellence; and helping to preserve Sri Lanka’s craft heritage whilst encouraging sustainability.

“Purchasing from the Blue Giraffe Homewares range helps to provide dignified home-based employment for skilled craftsmen, many of whom are women”, she says.
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